
Practical Information

On this page, you'll find all the practical information you need about fees, accommodation, catering and how to get to the Biarritz International Dance Academy.

Start of classes : Sunday, August 3rd
End of classes : Friday, August 8th, in the late afternoon.

Place of training

Lycée hôtelier Biarritz Atlantique 2 rue Francis Jammes 64200 Biarritz France
The reception, dance shops, catering, boarding facilities and some courses are all located at the Lycée hôtelier Atlantique, 2 Rue Francis Jammes, 64200 Biarritz. Some classes take place right next door to the school in the "FAL" sports complex.

Course prices 2024

Card For all Great schools and Eurocity (1) Professionals (2)
6 courses 240 € 220 €
12 courses 380 € 340 €
18 courses 480 € 430 €
unlimited courses 520 € 480 € 300 €
Auditor cards will be available for purchase on-site

(1) Grandes écoles and Eurocities entitled to reduced rates: (please provide proof of entitlement)

- French National Superior Schools: CNSMD of Paris and Lyon, PNSD Cannes, Ecole de l'Opéra de Paris, Académie de danse Princesse Grace Monaco, Ecole Nationale de Marseille.

- International advanced schools: Royal Swedish Ballet School Sweden, Academy of theatre and dance Netherlands, Royal Ballet School London, Royal Ballet School Antwerp, Real Conservatorio Profesional De Danza (RCPD) Mariemma, Conservatoire Annarella Sánchez Portugal, ABT School USA, Hamburg Ballett School, Ballet Academy Munich, Palucca university dance Dresden, Zurich Dance Academy , École supérieure de ballet du Québec

Internal regulations

First, find the Internal rules to consult on this link and to validate when you register on HelloAsso. 


You are entitled to accommodation on the course site. See internal regulations. Unaccompanied minors are not accepted in this accommodationhowever, please do not hesitate to contact us to find a solution. (Tel. +33 (0)6 45 99 42 01)
The Lycée Atlantique also provides boarding facilities for trainees and their families. Trainees are housed in pavilions bordering the park.

Boarding school

Chaque pavillon de deux étages compte seize chambres de trois lits chacune avec rangement et lavabos, un espace commun avec toilettes, lavabos et douches. Situé dans un parc arboré très calme, les salles de cours de danse sont ainsi accessibles en 5 minutes à pied. 

Each 3-bed room can be occupied by a trainee and his/her 2 parents or by 3 trainees for example. We can accommodate the trainee's family, or minors under the responsibility of another trainee or accompanying adult. All that is required is a standard letter of release. We accept emancipated minors (with a photocopy of the court form).
Par ailleurs, dans le forfait hébergement sont compris 7 nuits en pension complète du samedi 2 août – 16h (veille du stage) au samedi 9 août – 10h (lendemain du stage). Taxes de séjour incluses. En cas de désistement avant le 1st July, accommodation will be refunded in full.

More information

There is also a wardrobe in each room for each occupant. Don't forget to bring a padlock to lock it, as the rooms do not lock. We recommend that you bring your own sheets. However, disposable sheets and blankets can be provided, but not towels. A night watchman is on duty throughout the week. 

Infos pratiques - barre classique - Académie Internationale de Danse de Biarritz

Parking gratuit dans les locaux de l’Académie pour les personnes résidant à l’internat.
Aussi, les repas sont : petit déjeuner de 7h15 à 8h30, repas de midi de 11h30 à 13h et repas du soir de 19h à 20h. Prix du forfait par personne 430 euros TTC. De même, si vous souhaitez occuper une chambre particulière un supplément de 50 euros par chambre vous sera demandé.
Par ailleurs, pour les mineurs de 15 à 18 ans non accompagnés, il existe une option. Merci de nous contacter pour plus de renseignements. Tél. +33 (0)6 45 99 42 01.


To book, complete the registration form and pay online via Hello Asso (payment can be made in 3 instalments free of charge). However, without payment, we cannot guarantee the booking. Please note that places are limited.
List of other nearby accommodation Office de Tourisme de Biarritz


Moreoverpaid fast food will be offered at the lycée hôtelier. Hot dishes in partnership with Biocoop, boissons. Interns and internal companions have the opportunity to take thes meal in the cafeteria of the hotel high school.

Daily life

Urban Bus Network Txik txak

Electric bike hire PONY Biarritz

Dance shops on site

Finally, tickets for Malandain Ballet Biarritz shows will be available on Saturday.

Means of access

Train station Biarritz : 5 min. on foot or by bus
Txik Txak line 38 stop Francis Jammes or Bois de Boulogne
Airport from Biarritz Parme : taxi 5 min.
By the road : A 63, exit 4 Biarritz airport, RN 10 Biarritz La Négresse (do not use the viaduct).